Why Do Christians Suffer?
As Christians, we like the thought of sharing in Christ's glory, but
what about sharing in His suffering? Jesus took care of the death penalty once
and for all so we don't ever have to worry about that again. But the Bible
teaches that we must suffer times of trial if we are to share in the glory. Is
it worth it? Read what Paul says in Romans
8:18: ...For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this
present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be
revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!
Acting Right When Things Are Wrong
Many of us think we suffer because of our circumstances. We believe that
if our circumstances would change, we'd be able to act right. But God wants us
to become so mature and stable that we act right even when none of our
circumstances are good. There are different levels of faith, and most of the
time we want to use our faith to get rid of a problem. But sometimes God's plan
is for us to exercise a higher level of faith that will carry us through life's
challenges. This requires even greater faith than being delivered from a
Too often we marvel at the delivering power of God and overlook His
keeping, strengthening and enabling power. Although there are many reasons why
Christians suffer, I would like to
address what I believe are eight of the most common reasons why there is
suffering in our lives.
1: A Lack of Word Knowledge
Many Christians suffer because they're too busy seeking carnal knowledge
instead of the Word of God. The Lord Himself said, my people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge... (Hosea
4:6). Paul was an educated man, with a wealth of carnal knowledge. When he
realized the importance of spiritual knowledge, he said, I resolved to know
nothing (to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of
nothing, and to be conscious of nothing) among you except Jesus Christ (the
Messiah) and Him crucified (1
Corinthians 2:2).
Like Paul, we need to realize the importance of learning spiritual
things, for Galatians
6:8 says, ...he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality)
will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the
Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
2: Disobedience
Once we know the Word of God, we have a responsibility to be obedient to
it. Too many of us intend to be obedient, but put it off. Even procrastination
is disobedience, and it can cause us to suffer. James
4:7 gives us good advice: Submit yourselves therefore to God.... When
God tells me to do something, I find it helpful to write it down. This serves
as a reminder that I must be obedient if I want God's blessings. If you
are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land (Isaiah
3: To Purify and Test Your Faith
Sometimes people seem surprised that they must go through a time of
trial or suffering. Perhaps they’ve been faithful to learn and obey the Word,
and the trials still come. Sometimes trials come simply to test and purify our
faith. [You should] be exceedingly glad on this account, though now for
a little while you may be distressed by trials and suffer temptations, so that
[the genuineness] of your faith may be tested, [your faith] which is infinitely
more precious than the perishable gold which is tested and purified by fire.
[This proving of your faith is intended] to redound to [your] praise and glory
and honour when Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) is revealed (1
Peter 1:6-7).
4: A Need for Brokenness
The word brokenness may strike fear in some people, but
it's really not a bad word. God doesn’t desire to break our spirits, but He
wants to break that outer shell, the flesh that prevents Him from being all He
wants to be in and through us. He wants to break off things like pride, rebellion,
selfishness and independence. God wants us to be totally dependent on Him, and
suffering seems to bring us to that point.
However, having to depend on God shouldn't cause us to feel sorry for
ourselves. I once said, “Oh, God, I'm so lonely, and I don't have anybody but you.”
And the Holy Spirit said, "Poor Joyce, you're just stuck with God."
I've discovered that having only God is a good position to be in.
5: To Build Compassion
Compassion is born out of experiencing similar problems. The Bible says,
...we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize
and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to
the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we
are, yet without sinning (Hebrews
4:15). It comforts me to know that Jesus understands me and has compassion.
Going through trials and experiencing God's deliverance better equips us
to minister to others. Our pain is never wasted; it brings about compassion
that reaches out to other hurting people by saying, "I've been there, and
God brought me through it, and He'll do the same for you."
6: To Encourage Others
The apostle Paul said there were many things that God allowed him to go
through simply as object lessons for other people. ...I want you to know and
continue to rest assured, brethren, that what [has happened] to me [this
imprisonment] has actually only served to advance and give a renewed impetus to
the [spreading of the] good news (the Gospel).... most of the brethren have
derived fresh confidence in the Lord because of my chains and are much more
bold to speak and publish fearlessly the Word of God... (Philippians
1:12-14). Even in Paul's imprisonment, his stability and ability to be used of
God was evident.
If we’re to minister to others, we too must face some adverse
circumstances. But if we stand in faith and confidence, God will bring us
through to victory, and we'll be a great encouragement to others in the
7: Because of the Word
Sometimes we suffer attacks from the enemy simply because of our
involvement with the Word of God. Mark
4:17 speaks of those who hear the Word and endure it for a while, then
when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, they immediately are
offended (become displeased, indignant, resentful) and they stumble and fall
away. When someone receives the Word of God, Satan delights in coming
immediately to try to steal what’s been sown in their heart. He knows the Word
will strengthen us and help us live a victorious Christian life, and he wants
to stop it if he can. So it’s imperative to guard the Word in your heart and
resist the devil from stealing it away from you.
8: Because of Living in the World
Christians may also face trials and suffer simply because we live in a
world full of sin. But Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so
that in me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have
tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take
courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I
have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you]” (John
What a promise! Understanding the reason for our suffering and having
the assurance of the final glory we'll share should make it a little easier to
enjoy our lives...even during the times of sharing in suffering.
And if we
are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs
with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His
suffering if we are to share His glory (Romans
My gratitude to the FINE DOG students and teachers of the Word. Thanks a million for heeding the call " not to shun but declare the whole counsel of God"
ReplyDeleteThis has been such a good piece. It is definitely important to take our suffering in stride and draw closer to God but also learn as much as we can because then we can reach out to others. Most of these painful experiences actually make us stronger